About Phyllis

Who I Am

My unique talent is identifying what is special and specific to you and your dog’s relationship.  I offer expertise on all things dog-related, starting with researching to find the best match of a companion through appropriate resources; walking you through the complex process of matching, adopting and adjusting to your new friend; positive behavioral training to improve canine communication; nutrition to support physical and emotional health; addressing end of life questions, and more.

By knowing you and your dog so well, I always ‘think big’ about all the possible ways to enhance your relationship with a canine companion.  I am skilled at ‘speaking Dog’ to help you and your pup become a solid team that brings both of you pleasure for all the years you have together!

I coach you in making all the complex decisions needed to get the right information, in the right form, at the right time. I periodically ‘check in’ to encourage and coach you, offer new ideas or resources, and teach you how to use them. In all that I do, my intention is to minimize stress and anxiety and maximize joy for dogs and humans alike!

What I Do

I have learned a lot about dogs and their families, including learning from my own dogs human clients and canine clients, over the past 30 years.

A few highlights of my work with families and their dogs include successfully helping you:

  • Learn what type of dog and age will be the best match
  • Master basic obedience in partnership with their dogs
  • Learn how dogs communicate their dogs needs and can communicate back clearly
  • Learn nutritional and behavioral techniques to ease your dogs’ anxiety
  • Find the best way for you and your companion to find your unique path to a peaceful “Rainbow Bridge” journey and transition

How I Do It

By getting to know you and your dog, I can teach and then coach you and your dog as your life stages change. I use a broad range of human-based and animal-based techniques to offer you customized ideas and support for a healthy, lifelong partnership.

My training and learning methods do not just address a specific issue, we look together more deeply into the ‘why’ and the mindset that is causing the issue at the root, whether yours or the dog’s. All my teaching and coaching methods are based on the foundation of positive reinforcement, mindfulness (responding in the moment), respect for the animal’s ability to communicate their needs, and helping you listen differently so you can hear those needs more clearly.

My work starts with whatever life stage you and your dog are in, to gain a clear picture of both your goals for your canine and what your dog is capable of (their level of comprehension is much greater than you realize). You will get a written plan that is customized for you and your dog; I will update it periodically as your life and theirs change, including as we or our dogs approach life endings.

 “As an empty nester… I was looking to get another dog. Phyllis knew of just the right match for me and my family. We fell head over heels in love with this little girl from day one. Phyllis knew that we needed a smart and loveable puppy and did a fantastic job imprinting her with good habits during the first several weeks, which meant I had much less work to do on puppy training! She is a sweet dog who fills my heart with joy and fun every day, she learns new tricks really fast, loves to follow me around the house, and is a champion snuggler!