“I was a very sick little girl; I had the worst grade of heart murmur you can have and would have died within less than a year without surgery that cost thousands of dollars. Phyllis and her rescue friend worked a miracle and got me an appointment with a heart doctor at NC State Vet Hospital, who donated her services and saved my life!”

 “My former life was one of pain and horror, as you see in the top left picture. I came to the rescue and was ready to give up, broken and hopeless. The rescue people saw how scared I was sent me to Phyllis to heal and grow strong and confident. Four months later, I was a new dog, as you see on the right, when Phyllis found me my forever home!”

 “I had a great and loving home for 9 years with my mom and brother. Then life changed, my mom got really sick. My brother and I got taken away without her permission, and we had to go live with a foster mom for several months. She was really nice, but we wanted our own forever families. Phyllis knew I was really smart, so she worked with me in her home for 6 weeks to help me learn self-confidence so I wouldn’t be so stressed by new situations. And guess what? She also helped find my forever family – so both my brother and I now have forever families of our own! My new forever Mom and Dad say I am 9 years young and have amazing energy and am GREAT on a leash for walks, thanks to Phyllis’ awesome training!

 “Phyllis got me a wonderful family in North Carolina; however, that was a lot of change for me at a young age, so I acted out my grief by being spiteful, angry, and peeing on furniture. With coaching from Phyllis and my new family never giving up on me, I am now secure in my family’s love, so no need to mark in the house anymore!”

 “I had a little bit of a rough start in life, as my momma dog didn’t know how to feed me very well. I had to share a second momma dog with 15 other puppies until I was big enough to eat on my own! Phyllis came and snuggled with me and whispered in my ear that I would get really special parents! I was so excited when they came and since then, my life has been a LOT better, and I work hard at being a beach bum with my dad and playing ball with my mom!

 “I lived with my dog mom for 8 weeks after I was born. My breeder knew Phyllis was a really good puppy trainer and said I could be fostered by her to learn how to be a great dog for a very special family. I went to live with Phyllis for 6 weeks to learn and then Phyllis found me a wonderful family! I remembered everything Phyllis taught me, and love playing and snuggling now with my family!”

 “As a one year old, I had never experienced human love, and was considered unadoptable and likely to be euthanized. Phyllis saw my potential and we worked hard on learning to trust her and other humans, and I was able to be adopted quickly!”

 “I got away from a bad human by running across six lanes of highway! A wonderful angel saved my life and got me to Phyllis to help me recover from nasty heartworms. And THEN – she found my perfect home and parents and I LOVE being part of their lives and social activities!

 “I lived with a family after being rescued, and an angel found out my human children were terrorizing me and contacted Phyllis. Phyllis saved my life and found me the loving family I deserved and I am living happily ever after!”

 “I lived with a big family that loved me very much. Life changed drastically for them, completely out of their control, and they needed to help me find a new forever family. My mom reached out to Phyllis, who made a few quick phone calls and found a family who had been looking for a pup JUST LIKE ME!! I got to meet them and fell in love instantly and am now living a great life, with updates to my former family whenever they want!”

 “My family loved me but I had too much energy for them to cope with. So I went to a place called a shelter and less than 24 hours later, my new mom came to that shelter! She sat on the floor to meet me and I LEAPED into her lap to tell her I was ready to live a great life forever with her!”

 White Bichon: I lived a good life as a Mama Dog to some great puppies. My breeder wanted to reward me for having taken good care of the pups and promised to find me my own forever home. Wow, did I hit the jackpot with my new mom – and I got a little puppy brother to live with too!” Black/White Havanese: I got borned with my brothers and sisters and was a happy little fella learning about humans and families! Then my breeder found me a perfect mom and a family of my own and I love playing every day!”

 “As an empty nester… I was looking to get another dog. Phyllis knew of just the right match for me and my family. We fell head over heels in love with this little girl from day one. Phyllis knew that we needed a smart and loveable puppy and did a fantastic job imprinting her with good habits during the first several weeks, which meant I had much less work to do on puppy training! She is a sweet dog who fills my heart with joy and fun every day, she learns new tricks really fast, loves to follow me around the house, and is a champion snuggler!